Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mike and Ryan's Birthday: Sunny and Fair

Well, as Mike can tell you, March is not the best month to have a birthday, especially if you're "smart" enough to have a party at a park like we did. I like to think we were brave. I commissioned my mom and dad to bring some tables, chairs and coolers. The plan was to set up at Holiday Park right by our house and just hope for the best! Of course, Mother Nature couldn't just let us have it easy - no, no. After a beautiful, sunny week, forecasters cast a gloomy shadow over our week. It was to rain ON the day of the party!

The morning of Saturday, March 9th came and 'twas a dark one, indeed. We huddled together and weighed our options. After careful consideration, we determined that we would "march" on with the plans and go full steam ahead. No matter what, we'd have a good time...we always do! We drove to the park and started setting up, when all of a sudden, the clouds parted and that beautiful, yellow orb shined through! Mother Nature showed us mercy! It ended up being an absolutely picturesque day and everything went off without a hitch. Unfortunately, Mike and Dane had a game at the same time as the party, but they still got to mingle a bit before and after.

After we cleaned up at the park, we headed to our house with family and close friends to celebrate Mike's portion of the birthday party. His dad Ralph surprised him with a 1961 balsa wood surf board, shaped by Bill Thrailkill. For you non-surfers, this is a BIG DEAL. Then to top that off, Ralph, Mark and I gave him enough money to buy himself a new wetsuit! It was not a bad day for Mike, let's just say that:)

The afternoon began to wind down and it was time for everyone to head home. I always hate that part:( Thanks to our family and friends who helped out. Since Alana was only a couple weeks old, it definitely took a village to put this party together. I love you all and thanks again to everyone who came to celebrate with us! XOXO

Kent is getting the party started right!


Grandma Moggy and me:)


I think Kira and Laura had a nice time...how can you not on this gorgeous day?!

I was so honored to not only have my BF Marianne (aka Mernie) there to celebrate, but her sister Anakim came to the party with her son and daughter. I hadn't ever met her kids. What a treat!

Sisters! Sorry, Kiuh.

The stage...

Thanks to the Bridgewater family for this lovely bag:) Apparently they have been holding onto it for 6 years, waiting to pass it along. Now we shall carry on the tradition and pass it on to some other lucky person!

There's a gift table sneak attack by Stacey and Ethan:)

Dillon and grandpa having a good time.

Birthday "skwing," as he calls it.

Thanks Granddad!

Ted's here!

Aw, there's Sarah's new babe, Marcus. What a sweetie!

Katie and Dillon sharing a hug.

I love this pic!

Mom and dad...so cute.

Hangin' with the birthday boy.

Ryan and Davan were mesmerized by a far off bouncy house. Note to self...get a bouncy house.

There's Cordell and Kanan!

Yay! Chau and the Fong's made it!

Aw, Enni, Mern and E having good convo:)

BF hugs.

Riley, stop being so cute. Fun fact: Riley is the only child I've ever seen being born besides my own kids!

Look at that crew! And that's not even all of them!

Thanks Auntie Erica for all the sweet treats!

Look at those blue eyes...

Reggie's granddaughter:)

A little father and son time.

Danny, Colleen, Rosa and Reggie! What a great pic!

Don't worry, Enni. She won't break:)

Poor baby!

Such a sweet picture.

Isn't Auntie Mern the best?

I think Ryan MAY be tired.

This picture says it all...

He's party "pooped."

A Dodger fan and Bill:)

Hanging back at the house!

I had to get Brian and Erica something really special for their 1st Anniversary.

Duck Dynasty, baby!

Mernie's here!

"Mike, why don't you go look in the back yard?"

"You're kidding!"

Mern, why don't you smile?

Wetsuit money!

This is a true story: Moggy was yelling at me right here because I didn't have him read HER card out loud. LOL! She said, "My card was sweet, too!" HAHA! I love Moggy!

How did I get here?

Wiped out.

I think out of all the presents, Uncle Mark wins the "kid's favorite present" award again. A box of "real" toy cars for them to play with. Awesome!

Good night:) Note: The little booties in this picture were hand made by Ralph's mother, Alana's great grandmother. So sweet.

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