Monday, August 6, 2012

Where has the summer gone?

I have critically neglected my beautiful blog this summer. Why does there always seem like too much stuff to report?! AH! Since there are so many pictures in this one (feel free to blow through them), I'll just do captions again. I'm also going to update a few things that happened in May and June because the pictures were so great, so I'll let you know when those are available if you're interested in checking them out. Love to you all!

If some of you haven't heard (which I don't know how that would be possible since my lovely sister Kim posted it on FB:)), I'm pregnant! I'm due February 15th. This is how I decided to tell Mike...through a good old game of Scrabble:) That's as far as we got, by the way. HA!

Baby Roblee at 8 weeks:)

Junior Bird Man!

Headed to Gamma Gampa's house June 12-13 for a little R&R. Turned out to be a four day trip:)

I think Ryan has mastered the art of eating in every room of their house.

Pool time!
Dane and GG Mahgy:)

Uncle B holding Ry Ry after a nap. It always takes him a little while to wake up:)

Popsicles help:)

Dane's thinking, "You better eat that fast...I'm coming..."


The newlyweds! See if you can find dad's sneaky "Picasso" work.

Gamma is showing Dane that it's okay to be in the deep end with the boogie board.

It's mini-Mike!

Sneaky eyes:)

She's 90, folks! How is this possible?!

Brian is now certain he doesn't want kids.

Dane's getting his rough house on and Auntie Erica is SCARED!

Relax, Dane...


Saying goodbye in the "goodbye tree."


Ignore dangerously close sprinkler head.

The kids liked my parents' healthy "green shakes." Who knew?

No really, he likes it. He just spilled:)

Cozy, cozy, cozy!

Here's Ryan trying to mimic my pointy lip...nice try, Ry Ry...nice try...

Are they brothers?

Brian, Erica, Bill and Dillon came out to our neck of the woods to go fishing. Oceanside Pier was the spot!

Yeah, Ryan did this a lot. He liked looking through the cracks!

No thanks, Ryan. I don't want any...

Happy times!

"Can we please catch something, ma?"


Ryan was summoning the fish with his sharky toy...

We got the boys ring pops since they were having to wait around a lot. They were really patient, though!


Motley crew.

Playing around at Ruby's on the end of the pier. It was a beautiful afternoon!

Cowboy Ryan...

Our newly planted garden. Planters provided by Mikey:)

The boys did some back yard camping and had s'mores. I think Ryan hit his limit.

Here was another great shot after a long day. Ryan was pooped!

The treehouse that Mike is building is almost complete!

Baby Roblee at 12 weeks!

Cream of Wheat disaster:)

Rear view...

Front view. Good pile of leaves!
Visiting Uncle Mark in the hospital. Ryan was poking around, checking things out.

Dane was, of course, asking questions...still cautious, though.

Here Mark is explaining what that breathing device is. The boys were very interested, as you can see.

And now the most important part...candy.

He may be bored, but he has a 10th floor view!

Saying goodbye:(

Ouch! Mark had a compound fracture and broke his tibia and fibula in a rhino accident. He flipped it and his leg flew out - it was crushed by the rhino. He's got a long recovery ahead, but his spirits are up. He is having surgery Tuesday to put the pins and plates in place, then he'll go home Saturday or Sunday to recover. Hoping for a speedy recovery, Mark!

Here is the compound fracture two inches below the knee. Not good.

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