Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ryan's Dedication, et al...

We've had a very busy couple weeks here, folks. First, we headed down early June for a visit with Aunt Colleen and Uncle Bill. Dane had a great time playing with the "caddies," or kitties, as it were. Poor kittens didn't know what hit 'em. After a while they got smart and started running away and climbing trees! Ha! Anyway, we had a great time at dinner and they stocked us up with some good wines, too:) Thanks for a wonderful time guys! We love you!

After a week or so, it was time for Ryan's baby dedication at Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene. June 13th was the big day and many turned out for a great time:) Ryan was in good spirits and put on a good show. We don't have a video of it just yet, but when we receive it, I'll put it up on my video website. Afterwards, we headed to the Nocita house for some yummy lunch made by my mom, and for some great fellowship. Thanks to everyone who came - it was such a nice time for our family! Please take some time to look at the pictures. Dad took some real gems that day. Thanks, dad!

I put in some random photos I've taken around the house since then, but there are also a few photos of Dane checkin' out Granddaddy Ralph's new toy - a Jeep! You be the judge, but I think it was a hit with Dane:) We visited Ralph and Adele yesterday as it was Adele's first day back from the hospital. As you've read in previous posts, she broke her femur at Dane's birthday party in 7 different places. However, after seeing the x-rays in detail, the doctor changed his estimate to at least 10 breaks! We're glad she's home and doing very well. Thanks for all your prayers!

Also, this morning I took some absolutely precious photos and video of the kids. Check 'em out below. Here's a link to our video page as we've got quite a few new uploads. Thanks for reading our blog and keeping up. We love you all!

So precious.

I have to give it to these kittens. They really stuck around for quite a while.

Dad and Ryan, chillin'.

Here we're at the Nocita house in the am. Dane is punching AJ's bag with his Hulk hands.

There's the star of the weekend!

Here's Dane cookin' with Gramma.

The boys are ready for the big dedication morning ahead!

Kass and GG Moggy:)

Here's the gang.

I love this shot of Dane watching uncle AJ play drums.

Our little family of four...look at Ryan's ears!

There's Pastor Scott realizing how heavy Ryan is. Our little baby boy!

Look at Ryan's face. HA HA!

So many people came to support. It was so wonderful.


Dane was cheering for the other kids being dedicated.

Stop my nerves! Ryan and Mike holding "hands."

Ah, the "comforts" of auntie Erica:) Hee hee...

Kimmy and Mern - more favorite aunties:)

Oh maaaaan! Something is happening!

Moggy and mom - I love this photo.

The little feet won't be little for long...*snf* *snf*.

After the service, Dane threw the obligatory "chaka bra."

Thank you!

Look at that minestrone soup he made in Sunday School:)

You gotta know when to fold 'em, Dane. Kass is a real sneak.

Dane's getting some air!

Second cousins Dane and Carlo having some yummy food. Fact: their late great grandma Betty actually made that double rocking chair they're sitting in. :)

Hmph, almost time to go home... we have to go?

Kass and Linds throwin' some major smiles.

Oh man, Carlo and Dane were NOT happy when it was time to leave. Hugs all around!

Carol, mom and Carlo...saying one last goodbye.


Asleep after a long day...

This was Ryan on one of Dane and Mike's "camping in the backyard" days.

What a show off!

Dane and Mike were dancing and rough-housing after dinner this week. Got it on camera:)

Daddy's "STWONG!"

Ryan is not amused. "Are we done yet?"

Sitting in Ralph's new Jeep!

Happy boys.

Tough guys, UNITE!

Begin "too cute to handle" series...

Ok, this last one cracks me up because it kinda looks like Ryan took the picture himself. LOL!

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