Monday, May 31, 2010

Dane is "Free!"

Dane turned "free" on Saturday and boy was there action at the Roblee house! People started arriving at 11:00 a.m. sharp and the food and drinks were flowin'.

But you know how it is with this's all fun and games and someone gets hurt. This time, it wasn't one of the kids. Nana Adele took quite a hard fall just a few minutes after her arrival and unfortunately, we had to call the paramedics. Adele kept apologizing for her interruption of the party, but I tried to explain that the paramedics and fire trucks were the biggest hit of the party! Although the kids were quite concerned for her (Ruby and Dane especially), they were so excited to take pictures by the trucks and to see the firemen! Dane will no doubt remember those fire trucks for years to come. (Note: Adele was transported to UCSD Thornton in La Jolla and had some tests run. Doctors told us that she broke her Femur in 7 different places! She is now at UCSD Hillcrest recovering after a very successful surgery to fix her thigh. Please pray for her fast recovery!)

After Adele was rushed to the hospital, we started to settle into birthday mode again. Thank you to everyone for contributing so much wonderful food! There were many yummy things to eat and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. The kids ran around and played well together, while the parents and adults sat back and watched the insanity unfold.

Soon it came time to cut the cake. I had to make sure that everyone knew I made that cake - it was, after all, incredible...(thanks, Betty Crocker). After we dove into the cake, Dane opened some presents and then it was time for the pinata! This is the moment in the party when you would expect the ambulance to come into play, but fortunately, there were no injuries! Dane started it off strong, and Gunnar finished it up with a heavy blow to the middle of the pinata. Candy poured out and kids were quickly collecting. Dane thought he would shove as much candy in his pockets as possible, which made for interesting potty time later on in the day...

After the pinata, people started to trickle out and the house got quieter and quieter. I really do hate when parties end, but I know it won't be the last one we have:) Thanks again to everyone for making it such a fun, dynamic party. I think I can honestly say we all had a great time together - it's definitely apparent in all the photos. Please enjoy and we'll see you on here again soon! (I included a couple photos from the day after, too.)

Just in case you weren't sure where the party was...

Who made that cake?!

Mern and Ryan:)

Gunnar is "catching" the horse in his net.

Dane and Gunnar doin' the "clippety clop!"

Blizzard just couldn't help himself. He loves Janis!

Look at those happy faces!

There's Gampa holding Ryan, having some manly talk with Kevin and Mike.

Grandma Colleen watching Cooper...

Brotherly love. It was too bright for Dane.

Dane, Mark, Gunnar and Ruby taking a picture by the beloved fire truck! Too cool!

Ahem, yeah...I TOTALLY arranged this for your party, Dane...

The crowd gathers as Adele is loaded into the ambulance.

Janis, Roger and Moggy were horrified to see this as they approached the house. They had no idea what was going on!

Welcome to our home, Bear Family!

Baby Ella's not sure if she's cool with all this...

Ride 'em cowboy!

Oh. My. GOSH. TOO CUTE! Baby Bear #2 has a tough act to follow:)

Mike and Doug - brothers in spirit.

Blizzard's such a good boy.

What a surprise. Dane is following Ruby around.

Too cute!

Gives a new meaning to "double fisting." Good stuff.

Kimmy arrives bearing gifts (and alcohol - yes!)

Time to cut the cake!

Ooooooh yes....

Kassady, why are you so sad? :)

Dillon and Mommy takin' a ride.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that we had another close call, but this time with Ryan. He and a few of his buds decided to roller skate at the party and he took a pretty good spill. Gampa got a GREAT shot of him on the way down. Thankfully, he was just fine, but talk about a heart stopper!




Some guy time.

Okay, STOP MY NERVES! Great Grandma Moggy and Kass share a kiss. Priceless.

Everyone was watching Dane open his presents. Gunnar "The Mayor" Piepgrass made sure to remind Dane that they were a "team" when it came to opening presents. Brilliant strategy, Gunnar.

Time to take a whack at that pinata. This is what Dane was waiting for all day!

Candy time!

Ralph, Mark and Mike after the obliteration of the pinata.

Ralph's traditional birthday pose.

There's little Ella looking all cute again:)

Now Dillon's sportin' the pinata hat.

Dane's quickly shoving candy into his pockets. Don't want mom to see me!

Mern's turn to wear the pinata hat. HI!

Gunnar is using the pinata hat wisely as a candy holder.

Kass is enjoying Ryan's chair, just relaxing...

I just don't know...

Medusa called, she wants her hair back.

Eating behind the couch. Is there a better place?

Roger and Mom hanging out on a beautiful day!

The Hurricane Heubleins gotta head out! Let's go!

Alright, let's take a couple pics before we leave...

Mikey and Katie.

As usual, Mernie is the cool auntie:)

Dillon pushes Dane because he's the birthday boy. Thanks, D!

Buh byyyyyyyye! We wave goodbye to the Heubleins as they do a Roblee Roundabout.

A great pic with the Bear family before they head out.

Mike said I was doing my usual "YES!" pose, but I have no idea why.

Dane's failed attempt at "chaka bra."

Opening some presents later in the day.

Mommy and Ryan enjoying a little bonding time after a crazy day.

I just...I can''s too...sigh...

Gamma knows how to get a smile going.

Whoa! Didn't know Gampa was there!

Here we are saying goodbye to Gamma Gampa as they drive out of the Roblee Roundabout. :)

We loved this pic because his little hand was grabbing Mike's finger. So amazing.

The day after Dane's birthday, Mike took Dane for a "legal" ride in his Datsun.

Chaka bra!

So awesome.

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