Wednesday, March 13, 2013

February Showers Bring Late Babies

February was a special month for our family. It was the month our little baby Alana would be born. It started off with a bang when some of my friends threw a baby shower for me at Bistro West, a lovely restaurant in Carlsbad. We had a wonderful time chatting, eating, laughing and opening presents. I felt so loved as I looked around the table at the fantastic friends I've made over the past couple of years. Thank you, ladies, for taking a day to celebrate me. I had a blast and felt so special!

On Thursday, February 14, my parents and my sister Kim came down in the motor home (AKA Dalcorp One) to be here for the birth of Alana. Mind you, there was no scheduled induction...this was just a trip in the hopes that she would come around her due date, which was February 15th. The weekend was a nice time to visit and hang out, but there was an underlying pressure there for sure...GET THAT BABY OUT! As you can imagine, she was of course being stubborn. It couldn't just be easy, right? Well, Kimmy was scheduled to go back to Florida Monday night, but she couldn't stand the idea of missing the birth. She decided to extend her stay until Saturday. She worked out a bunch of things she had to do that week and made it happen. Thanks, Kiuh!

My parents headed back home on Monday and would come back when we had any news. Kimmy helped us tremendously that week with the boys. It was great to have her there during the last part of my pregnancy and we had a lot of good talks and got some great visiting in. She went with me to my doctor's appointment on Wednesday, February 20th. At this point I was five days overdue and READY to get this baby out. The doctor (Dr. Cap - the best doc EVER) informed me that Alana was locked and loaded and that I was about 5.5 cm already. He scheduled me to come to the hospital at 7 am the next day so he could break my water. Woo hoo! We got ourselves organized, alerted the media, and prepared for the birth of our little girl...

Stay tuned for the birth story in the next blog. Thanks for reading!

Here's Laura enjoying some kid-free lunch!

My mommy friends! Top: Heidi, Sarah, Kristy. Bottom: Kira, Carla, Kathryn, Laura, Shelly, Jamie, Laura.

Gotta love yummy Vons cake!

Ryan tried to make scrambled eggs. Forgot the pan:)


Our Valentine from Dane. Melted my heart!

I took the boys to the beach for the last time before Alana was born.

It's tough living in Carlsbad.
Gamma, Gampa and auntie Kimmy are here! Time to show off!

He's 12.

Dane and Madeline in the motor home.

Enjoying some Thrifty ice cream with Gampa.
Marking off chores:)

Helping dad put in the gate.

Dane's baseball practice. Gampa got to go and snap some pics.

He's ready!

One of the lobsters Mike caught...don't ask...

Playin' ball with Gampa:)

"I wanna watch de iPad, mommy!"

Story time with auntie Kimmy before Alana is born:)
Last sunset before Alana is born.

Last snuggle with mommy before Alana is born:)

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